
My Account

Hope Waukee - Social Media Request

This form is to help track and prioritize the various social media requests from all ministries at Hope Waukee. Please include as much relevant info as you can.

Any files that need to be submitted as part of this request need to be emailed to [email protected] - please include the event name and date in the subject line or you can include a link to a SharePoint file.

*Email address:
What is the name of your class/event?:
*Select your Ministry:
If "other" is chosen, please provide details.:
*Date of your class/event (mm/dd/yyyy):
*Please provide the wording to be used for this social media request. Please be as detailed as possible. If you have received the official wording from Admin, please use that. 
*Has a graphic already been created by Communications for this event/class?:
Files cannot be attached to this request so please email those to [email protected] and include the event name and date in the subject line OR save the file on SharePoint and provide the link below.
If you have a link please provide below.:
What type of social media post are you requesting? (check all that apply)
*Due date (mm/dd/yyyy):